
  1. Spreads information faster than traditional media outlets
  2. Law enforcement uses it to catch suspects, solve crimes and act as evidence.
  3. Helps students in school by being a research tool.
  4. It helps to make friends and maintain friendships through communication.
  5. It helps empower businesswomen, as social media is women dominated in users, and therefore allows women entrepreneurs to connect.
  6. Connects employers to possible employees through job search apps and websites.
  7. Can help lower health risk leading to a better quality of life through the abundant amount of health-related information.
  8. It facilitates face to face interaction
  9. increases voter participation
  10. “facilitates political change”
  11. Good for the economy as it increases jobs and consumerism
  12. Empowers people to make a change and support causes they care about
  13. Helps isolated groups feel connected
  14. Quick access to public health information
  15. “social media can help disarm social stigmas”
  16. Funding to those in need
  17. Spreads educational resources
  18. Allows teacher-teacher, teach- student, and student-student collaboration.
  19. Rapid communication is a crisis event


  1. Allows for the spread of false information
  2. Lack of privacy
  3. heavy social media use is connected to lower grades
  4. usage can lead to stress
  5. Waste of time
  6. Recruiters for jobs can see social media and not hire you if there is something they don’t like.
  7. It can lead to mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, ADHD.
  8. Less face-to-face interaction
  9. Criminals use it to recruit and promote crime
  10. Can put the military in danger
  11. Productivity goes down
  12. Cyberbullying
  13. More prone to social isolation
  14. Aids the spread of hate groups
  15. Lack of understanding of the public nature of social media can be dangerous.
  16. Enables cheating on school assignments
  17. Can lead to inappropriate teacher-student relationships
  18. “Unauthorized sharing on social media exposes artists to copyright infringement, loss of intellectual property, and loss of income”
  19. social media can not be entirely deleted
  20. Vulnerable to cybersecurity hacks

Article on Pros and Cons to see each point in more detail

Video on Social media pros and cons