I completed an hour of code! It was a fun program where you created snowflakes with Anna and Elsa from frozen. It took you through a series of steps that increasingly got harder. Through this process, you get to see how code is built and how there are short cuts in coding. For example, you start by making a square, then it shows you how you can repeat it with a turn to make it into a snowflake. It also shows how you can manipulate which parts are repeated and in which order.
In the end, it allows you to use all of your skills to make whatever kind of snowflake you want. This allows for a moment of student choice and creativity while displaying what they learned through the process.
I had a great time building my coding knowledge and making snowflakes. I would do this with my students! You can also choose many other themes so that all students feel interested. This is something important to keep in mind when inviting engagement.
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